Hundreds of Billions Given Away – The Truth About the Financial Transaction Tax

— Dear English speaking visitor, English is not my native language and as a poor finance blogger I can’t afford translating it professionally, so please if the translation is crap just leave me a comment on how to make it better. For now this is just an experiment so you won’t find a lot of english posts here and also the images will remain in german.

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Hello together,

As you probably already know, Finance Minister Scholz is planning a share tax under the striking title: “Financial Transaction Tax”.

That this only meets the small stock saver and not the speculator is often swept under the table, but I already described it here in the blog a few months ago. This reduced tax is now expected to bring in between EUR 1.2 and 3.9 billion per year instead of the originally planned eur 34 billion.

How does this difference of a factor of 10 actually come about? I wondered how much the revenue of a “real” financial transaction tax could be if it were not only passed on to private equity savers, but also other securities and speculators.

The results speak for themselves.
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