The first donation ! Revenues and first income at the Charity Depot.

Hello together,

My stated goal is to put all the profits of this website into the so-called charity depot. You can find all the information here.

This time there were the first distributions, which are to be donated promptly according to the rules of the project. For which recipient I have chosen you to find out at the end of the blog posting.

Again, I briefly list the income and expenses, which might also be of interest to one or the other blog operator who wants to know what you can earn with such a blog.

After that, we come to the performance of the sustainable depot, which was even better than the benchmark in the last contribution. Let's see if this trend has lasted.

The review begins with all the income received since the last contribution to the Charity Depot.


Revenue is available through affiliate links to, for example, fixed-rate offers or brokers such as Onvista Bank.

If you then become a customer I will receive a premium.

There are also advertising banners from Google AdSense, which are usually remunerated per click. An example might appear here:

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I have also decided that profits from the warrant experiment will go to the charity depot.

Since February, the charity depot has thus generated the following revenues:

Transfer: –0.89 €

Revenue commissions (May – June): + €48.50

Revenue AdSense (May – June): + €97.14

Revenue warrant experiment: + €15.86

Adsense revenues from May and June. In July there was less revenue due to the holiday / summer hole.

Total: +€160.61

Conclusion: Despite a slight decline, I remain satisfied with the revenues and am confident that the Charity Depot will be able to reach four digits next year.


No further expenditures have been incurred at the moment. However, my webspace provider will soon increase the prices, but there is also an additional domain. Maybe I'll use them for a smaller new project.


Revenue – Expenditure = Profit (before tax)

€160.61 0 € = €160.61

Tax notice

The taxes on the profits and also on any profits from the charity depot are in my personal tax return and are borne by me for the time being. Compensation and clearing will take place at the end of the year.

The performance of the Charity Depot

As a benchmark for Charity Depot, I chose the Xtrackers MSCI World Index (IE00BK1PV551) ETF.

Since the MSCI World performed better than the MSCI Europe, the following picture is currently obtained:

Performance Benchmark: +0.6%

Performance Charity Depot: -0.19%

This pulverises last month's results, but it is worth noting the following payouts, which were made at the benchmark ETF in April.

No purchase

There is no purchase this time. For this, the level on the clearing account is still too low.

Current custody positions in the Charity Depot

Name Isin Piece Price value Purchase value +/-
UBS MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS LU0629459743 3 €251.73
BNP Paribas Easy MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF LU1753045415 17 €337.04 €348.08 -3,17%

The clearing account currently contains €160.61

The depot now has a value of approx. €590.


The following distributions were made:

UBS MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS: €2.90

BNP Paribas Easy MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF: 11.68€

Total: €14.58

The first donation

Distributions of this experiment are to be donated in a timely manner, it is stated in the rules.

When choosing a suitable organisation, I am primarily concerned with impact, transparency and personal considerations. For the first two points, the DZI website is a good point of contact, even if its certification, especially for small organizations, cannot necessarily afford.

I'm a big fan of vaccinations. With this statement I may now have a few "vaccine-critical" readers less, but for 15€ you can e.g. at the SOS Children's Villages. Vaccinate 100 children against measles. Great. The organization bears the DZI donation seal and I believe that the money is in good hands there.

Reduced infant mortality has also been scientifically proven to lead to lower birth rates, and since the world is already overburdened with our billions of people, I see this as an investment in the future.

Here you can see an excerpt from the donation certificate:

rounding up reduces the balance in the clearing account to: €160.19

What happens next?

After the first donation I feel very comfortable and am absolutely sure that I want to pursue this project in the long term.

I hope to counter the cliché of the greedy stock market speculator with this combination of hobby and by the way also doing good 😉

An overview of the latest transactions, the account balance and the contents of the depot and further information about the experiment can be found at any time via this page.

I try to update them once a month. Otherwise, it means continuing to wait and drink tea.

From time to time I will post an update on the development of the depot. A next purchase is considered again at 250€ in the clearing account. Here I will probably focus on another geographical region that has so far been neglected.

What do you think of the idea? Let me have a brief comment.
You want to support the Charity Depot ? Click on the advertisement you are interested in or open a depot via my site. Thank you!

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